Joli-Boy (hate the name !) is a three year old Loulou de Pomeranie/ Big Spitz and he is a DARLING !! Great with other dogs, no problem with cats and is very affectionate. He would be ideal for a retired couple who are at home during the day but he is no trouble if left – though he loves the car. JB is chipped, vaccinated and neutered. He was here at Poorpaws before going on to Danielle and I can confirm all of the above.
Category: Previous Poorpaws
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Dearest Iggy here is 13 years old and blind, what hope for him ? He will clearly need a fenced in area where he feels safe and secure. This can be an outside area so long as he has good protection from the weather and a cosy bed. He is at the SPA at Chameyrat in the Corrèze (19). We are looking for a true warmhearted angel here. There will be no adoption fee, just a voluntary donation.
Here I am, the one you’ve been waiting for ! My name is Jazzy, Jazzy by name and Jazzy by nature. I’m a three year old gorgeous Black Lab rescued from a travellers’ camp. I’m used to living outside so long as I have a cosy waterproof kennel to shade me from the elements. I LOVE long walks, I’ve got lots of energy and even more love to give.
“The more discerning amongst you will immediately appreciate a rather superior type of dog. I am Logan, a year old Argentin/Pointer and I have been transported from hell on earth to this lovely place where I am loved and cared for. When I was rescued you could have played a concerto on my ribs and I had a tight wire round my neck where I had been tied up – you humans are weird creatures. However, I bare no grudges and if you would like to adopt me I will show you what a playful loving dog I am.”
Looking for a great family dog ? Then meet Kinai, just under two years old Kinai was rescued from a rotten environment and is in foster care at the moment but needs a permanent home pdq to stop him going to a refuge as his foster carers cannot keep him due to unforeseen circumstances. Whilst with his foster family Kinai has made great strides in trusting humans and is now very affectionate. Kinai is a great chap and is fine with children and other dogs. Chipped, vaccinated and neutered, the whole deal !
PLEASE, PLEASE, don’t just glance at these photos and think “oh, another Border mix” and move on, because you will be missing the chance of a lifetime. Not great photos but that’s my fault not Lolita’s ! Lolita was given to an elderly couple in their 80s when she was just two months old ! Now who on earth would be sooooo stupid as give Lolita to such a home. Nothing against the people who did their best and have in fact brought Lolita up to be obediant, loving and just wants to be by your side. A true delight. But of course, the inevitable happened and the couple are now unable to take care of her so she is with us. Only 18 months old, I promise you she is a gem.
Here we go, another victim of divorce. You’re getting divorced, that is sad but why must your dog suffer. A dog doesn’t deserve to be put out with the trash because you are too heartless to find somewhere to move to where you can take your dog. Izzy here is four years old, an Airedale Terrier but not one of the huge ones, more a Spaniel size. Chipped vaccinated and sterilised Izzy was taken in by a very kind couple when her owners divorced but unfortunately Izzy needs to be WHERE CATS ARE NOT !!!! Fine with other dogs and children but cats are verboten !! We’re keeping our fingers crossed for you Izzy ……. and our cats well hidden !
Hi there ! We are Misty and Binky and we are hoping for a happier life than our Mum has. Every time she has pups they are taken from her at birth but this time she was canny and hid us away ! Our lovely neighbour Rachel looked after us until we were ready to leave Mum and brought us to Poorpaws where we are learning what freedom is. Mum is a German Shepherd and Dad a Brittany Spaniel so we are hoping we will be very intelligent and great companions. We are little girls, Misty is the black one and Binky the German Shepherd colouring. We have been vaccinated and will be chipped as soon as we have happy new homes to go to.
30/08/17 Well, what do you know ? Old gentleman recovered well, called to see if Egan was still available and I took him up to Limoges last week. All going superbly well. Brilliant for this lovely gentle dog.
31/07/17 Update: Poor Egan has had a great disappointment. He was all set to go to a lovely elderly gentleman up in the Vienne when the man was taken ill so everything has had to be cancelled. I can’t tell you how choked I am about this – and of course, sorry for the poor man. So is there another kind soul out there who could turn Egan’s sadness in to joy ?
“Please don’t talk about me one eye’s gone” !! Poor Egan here was attacked by another dog and as a result had to have one eye removed. His owner has decided that for his safety he would like him to go to a new home as it would be easier to home Egan rather than the aggressive dog. Egan is about seven years old, is neutered, a gentle soul who is used to living outside (though he says he doesn’t mind trying indoors too !)
What a little angel ! Moussy a seven month female Golden Retriever, brought to us in a pitiful condition. Now after love and care she has turned in to a beautiful dog with a wonderful character. She has clearly never lived indoors but we are sure this would be no problem as she is loving and eager to learn. She could also live outside so long as she has a warm, cosy, draught free kennel. Many of our dogs live outside and are often healthier for it. Moussy will be chipped, vaccinated and sterilised.
This is little Mila a gorgeous little girl who is just seven months old and who has already experienced what shite some people can be. The operation on her leg was the result of a vicious kick by her previous owner. We are confident from the veterinary’s report that this will have no effect on her future abilities and activities. Come on, let’s show her that there are nice people around.
Barbarella and Bella Donna, just goes to show you can have the poshest names but it still doesn’t protect you from homelessness ! These poor mini Jack Russells find themselves looking for a new home at 11 (!) years old because the owners are returning to the UK and the dogs won’t be going. Not the dogs fault, PLEASE has anyone got space/love to give ?
These pups are just about six weeks old, so really too young to be taken from Mum but we were given an ultimatum, “take them now or we will deal with them” !! Mum is a black spaniel and Dad we are not too sure about but the finger of guilt is pointed at a sort of Labrador. Whatever, they are gorgeous and look as if they will have the slightly curly coat of a spaniel. There are three black boys, one brown/black mix boy and a brown/black mix female. They will stay here at Poorpaws until they are two months old and have survived the first vaccination and been chipped, then we will be seeking happy homes for them. I say “survived” because we are finding that sadly some pups take ill after the first jab, yet we are obliged to get it done. However, these look a feisty lot so far so fingers crossed.

Maiko is a seven month Pointer/Braque adolescent. His parents are great hunters but Maiko would also make a great companion pet. Never having lived indoors he is at present undergoing basic training with Danielle where he is proving to be very quick to learn. Fine with cats and children, a fenced in garden would be advisable.
Mousty is a three month old Border Colley type pup. His mother is a true Border who works with a flock of sheep so we are thinking there are some good brains in there ! Mousty turned up, together with Mum and brother in a friend’s garden and luckily we were able to trace the owner who has asked us to home Mousty for him. Mousty is undergoing basic training at Danielle’s and is proving to be very bright. Anyone wishing to adopt Mousty should realise that Borders need a lot of exercise both physical and mental, they are a joy to work with.
All I want for Christmas (or even New Year) is a new happy home ! This lovely boy is not yet two years old, a mix between a Griffon and a Brittany Spaniel (yey !). Is used to indoor and outdoor living, a great little lovable lad who has done nothing to deserve being chucked out. Adopted as a babe by people much too old who are now unable to look after him. Grrrrr from me.
10/12/16 RESERVED !!!!!!! ADOPTED !
UPDATE 29.11.16 Well after what we thought was going to be a super adoption Maddie is back here. She was great in every way but wanted to play with the cats. This is very sad as Maddie is totally used to cats, we have loads here and she has never been aggressive with any of them, in fact the reverse is true, many is the swipe she has had from them. She just wants to play.
Here is little Maddie, two or three months old, another pure Bitsa (bits a this and bits a that) and hey, aren’t that breed just the best ?! Taken from Mum I expected her to be nervous and tearful, not a bit of it, when I brought her home she got very excited when she saw all the gang and was very anxious to get down and in the game. To be chipped and vaccinated onTuesday 25th October.
Edgar is a small poodle/dachshund mix aged one year and eight months. Full of fun with a terrier mentality. Ideal for someone used to terriers, with a good sized enclosed garden who likes plenty of exercise. No good for anyone without authority over their dog !! Edgar is chipped, vaccinated, neutered and has a passport !
UPDATE 06/10/16 INDIE IS ADOPTED ! Indie is a beautiful little Beagle of just nine months. She was rescued by some lovely students in Paris who have taken great care of her. However, student life in student accommodation is proving difficult so Danielle and I were approached to taking her and finding Indie a lovely home in the country where she can run around doing what Beagles like to do ! Kind Haley brought Indie all the way down to Cahors on the train and although tremendously sad to leave her behind, was happy to see her running around at Danielles, playing tag with the geese and jumping over puppies. Indie is a darling, VERY lively and needs a home with a good garden to chase around in with a family who will take her on l o n g walks and love her to pieces – who wouldn’t ?!
Ok really sorry about the photo, my computer is throwing a hissy fit ! But it doesn’t matter which way up you look at Lucien he is just ADORABLE !! At just one year old he is chipped, vaccinated and neutered. He has a basic education and is obedient, loves to swim. Mum is a Flat Coated Retriever and Dad a passing stranger, possibly a Bruno de Jura, which everyone knows is a fabulous natured breed. Lucien would like to be the only dog, not because he is difficult with others, quite the opposite, but Lucien is a leader not a follower and he could lead any new friends astray ! Alone with his owner he is the happiest of happies.
There’s a long story here so bear with me ! Paco was adopted from a BB (bastard breeder for anyone who is new to the website). A lovely couple took him intending to give him a good life and rescue him from the hell trap where he was living with many other Coton de Tulears, no effort having been made by the BB to socialise the pups. The couple intended for Paco to be a central part of their family going everywhere with them, but poor Paco was just so frightened of everything that it was impossible for them to take him to work with them and there was a very distressing time when Paco escaped and was missing for six weeks, being found in a very poor condition. Therefore, with broken hearts they brought Paco to my colleague Danielle. Danielle has worked very hard with Paco to get him used to the new world around him, new faces and new surroundings. He is making great progress. He can however NEVER be left off the lead on a walk and MUST have a securely fenced in, escape proof, garden or an apartment life. The person who adopts Paco must not baby him to increase his insecurities but treat him just as any other dog with the usual fun and kindness. Paco now comes to Danielle when she calls and this is a HUGE step forward. Every advice and help will be offered to the person who adopts lovely little Paco.
Enough with the jokes, I’ve heard them all, my name is Miniboy not Minibar. Oh grief, why can’t we dogs choose our own names ?! Personally, I think I look more like a Prince or Jeeves or something with a bit of class, not something associated with people getting drunk and behaving badly ! As you can see I’m cute as a button, know how to behave, looking forward to having fun with you and will be ready to go from 15th August !
This is Brandy, you may remember his sister Tammy ? Their owner sadly has had to go into a home and could not take Tammy and Brandy. Both dogs were rehomed but Brandy has not been as lucky as Tammy, his new owner how has problems and regretfully we are now looking for another home for Brandy – third time lucky ? Brandy is 8 years old, chipped, vaccinated and neutered. Like a lot of little dogs he thinks he is top dog so doesn’t get on with other males too well. Definitely needs a cat/rabbit/any little furry thing free home. On the other paw, he is loving and affectionate and in fine fettle for long walks and play.
Hi out there, anyone want to come and play with me ? I am a three year old lady Labrador, I’ve been chipped, vaccinated and sterilised. I’m looking for a new home because my owner is just so busy she has no time to play with me or walk me or have fun with me or just to BE with me and I LOVE company. So if you think I could be a good addition to your household, don’t hesitate, make the call or send the email !!
Meet Roxanne, an absolute sweetie pie ! Roxanne is just one year old and is a mix between a Labrit (Pyreneen sheepdog to you and me, not to be confused with a Pyreneen Mountain dog !) and a Harlequin Border. She has the sweetest nature and we have yet to find anyone who does not go ‘oh, aaahh’ when they meet her. Roxanne was given to us by someone who is not in a situation to take care of a dog. You’ll love her – especially when her fur grows back a bit !
Meet Gavaroche, one of my favourites. Gav came to Poorpaws a few months ago now and has really had rotten luck. He was rescued from a ghastly situation and came to us in a dreadful state. Half starved and without a lot of his fur. Medication and lots of TLC have sorted that out. There were several people interested in him and his sad story but sadly no adoption followed. We think he is about eight years old and his ideal home would be one where he gets long walks and where he has a fenced in garden. He is full of love, bears no grudges and leaps around like a pup when it is walk time. He loves a cuddle and used to make me laugh when he had poorly ears, he would see me coming with the ear drops and immediately lie down with his paws over both ears. He really is a lovely boy and I am bordering on giving up chocolate until he is homed – so please help us both !!!
Loupi is quite simply a fabulous Pointer who, when he hadn’t been sold, was just left in a park without care and very little food. When he came to my colleague Danielle he was just skin and bone. He’s getting on fine now though and will soon be ready to go to a new home when he looks like what a one year old Pointer should look like.
Regulars to the website will know of my love of anything Spaniel and here we have a beauty. At 10 months old Lenea is a beautiful tricolour who loves to be with people whether it be striding out across the countryside or snuggled up by the fire. These dogs are brilliant companions and totally faithful.
UPDATE 03/08/16 Yey, put up the banners, let’s have a parade ! After reading about Lou’s disappointment a lovely couple got in the car and drove all the way down from Calvados ! They couldn’t even be sure that they could take Lou, it depended on how their very timid dog took to him. Well, everything went well and as I write this Lou is on his way to a fabulous new home. Well done Lou, you have waited so long, you deserve this, be happy and be sure to send photos !
UPDATE 26/07/16 Well Lou, what a bummer was that ?! Adopted by a family and brought back LESS THAN 24 HOURS LATER. Why ? BECAUSE LOU WAS NOT AFFECTIONATE ENOUGH !! Honestly sometimes (well quite often really) I want to hit people. Poor Lou, taken from the only home he has ever known, our refuge, and expected to be immediately uber loving to people he had never met before. Come on, please someone with a grain of intelligence take this lovely boy.
Poor little Lou – and I mean little ! He has been waiting for nearly a year now to find his own proper home and we cannot understand why this lovely boy is passed over each time. He has seen his sisters both move on and just waits patiently.
Bruiser looking pups !
23/05/2016 Only one little black pup left.
“Ok, now listen very carefully, if one of you lot out there doesn’t hurry up and call to adopt us, there is going to be bovver because we KNOW people if you see what we mean ! We’re looking tough here but in fact we are as soft as chocolate buttons in the sunshine. We were picked out of a dustbin and believe you me when we find out who did it ………! We are sisters and will be ready to go to our new homes around the beginning of May, so get cracking. No we don’t know who our parents are, what part of “picked out of a dustbin” didn’t you understand ? Danielle thinks we’ll be medium or perhaps a bit bigger and what Danielle says, goes !