At under two years old, little Fifi already finds herself alone, her owner having gone into a retirement home. She is a darling and, as you see, is very good at smiling for the camera !! Fifi is a little timid at first but very quickly makes friends. She is sterilied, chipped and vaccinated.
Gina is one adorable pup ! Taken from an unhappy home she bears no grudges and just loves EVERYONE ! Goodness knows who her parents are but we think she will be about a middle size lady. 3 months old, vaccinated and chipped, Gina has her bags packed and is ready to go !
Calès is a fantastic boy who is at the moment at the refuge in Cahors. He bonded well with one of the volunteers there and was coming on a treat. Sadly the volunteer has left and Calès is seriously unhappy. At about two years old Calès needs a home where he will have plenty of exercise and space to run about. For more info on Calès speak the Refuge Canin Lotois on 0565226632.
Benno is a beautiful 2 or 3 year old spaniel cross who has obviously had a hard time. She turned up at a house in a sorry state, evidently recently having had pups. She was very timid and wary but with the love an affection given to her, has turned into a lovely girl. Brilliant in the car but not keen at being left alone. In foster care at the moment Benno needs to find a home soon as her foster carer is off to Australia in the near future. If you can help Benno, please call Carolyn on 0565362009.
Titou is a beautiful Border Collie of ten years old. His owner has died and he is now alone at the farmhouse being fed and walked daily by an elderly relative. Obviously this situation cannot go on and we are looking for a kind home for Titou who has only ever known being the constant companion of his owner and who is now so sad. A well behaved loving dog who only needs regular meals, a garden and the love he has known up to now.
Bouba is 6yrs old and VERY stressed! This beautiful dog was left tied to a railway track! He’s a young setter cross (possibly spaniel) whose owners were tracked down because he’s chipped (250269200053140)and he is now also vaccinated. It turns out he has been passed from one owner to the next (stolen) and has had a terribly confusing time. His owners basically now no longer want him back because the lady of the house is pregnant and doesn’t want him around any more! This poor dog knows he’s been abandoned and cries and cries and barks and barks – this level of stress will eventually bring him down as it will make him ill…. This boy needs to get out very quickly to a loving home and why not, he’s so beautiful and settles down immediately he has your attention and feels a kind touch. Some dogs ‘manage’ the stress, chaos and confinement of the refuge and some don’t…. Bouba will not and needs help!
This poor boy has had a really rough time lately and at about 10 years old we are hoping that someone out there can offer him a home. I know not all of you are after puppies ! His owner gave him on to a very uncertain future and he has been wandering picking up food and affection where he can. He is in fine fettle, no problem with other dogs or cats and would make a great companion. His owner just doesn’t want to know so it will be a life at the SPA unless a home is found.
Four ‘beeyootiful’ puppies of just two months. Three Brittany Spaniel crosses and a little black lab female cross. Regulars to this website will know that I cannot resist anything with Brittany Spaniel, they are just such lovely, intelligent, faithful dogs. There are two females and one male and all will be vaccinated and chipped before leaving Poorpaws.
Willow is a female border collie who has just turned one year old. I have no idea why she has been abandoned, but chances are that her owners just didn’t understand the border character. She is typical of her breed; bright, lively, eager to please, playful. All in all just a lovely girl. Having only just arrived, Willow is in no danger at all; but she is very bored as collies hate inactivity. She is sharing her cage with another female and passed our cat test with flying colours. She is young enough to train, and, being a collie, will be keen to learn. Please can someone find a place in their home for Willow.
Little Fiegle seen in these photos (he’s the small grey dog) has been missing since the 23rd May from the Cadamas, Bouloc, Belves area. Fielge is a small Yorkie/Cairn terrier type and is one of the first dogs to be home by Poorpaws. Very timid. Any news, good or bad, will be greatly appreciated. Young owner crying herself to sleep every night.
Folie was found by a Poorpaws supporter out walking her own Poorpaws. She (Folie) had obviously been travelling a long way as she was very thin and limping. With the most beautiful Bambi eyes and colouring Folie is the size and similar in shape to a Whippet, ideal for someone looking for a small dog. She also runs and jumps like a baby deer or hare. About just a year old Folie is so sweet and gentle. Vaccinated and (by the time this goes to press) sterilised.
This very rarely happen to Poorpaws ! We have been asked to help to home four of these beautiful Coton de Tulear puppies who will be ready to go at the end of May. This breed are ideal for those who want small and pretty. Lovely characters. They will go quickly !
Regulars to the website will know that I work very closely with Danielle, a voluntary SPA Inspector. Danielle investigates cruelty cases (as well as doing kennelling, rehoming and dog education ). She was recently called to investigate a case and left with these poor babes under her arm. About two or three years old, the poor things were in a disgusting state, living in disgusting conditions. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly dogs forgive bad treatment and these dogs are now happily running around in a large park at Danielles. I went to visit them and if I didn’t know their history I would never have guessed what they have been through. They will be cleaned up, shampooed and set and soon looking for new homes. We think they are Yorkshire Terrier mixed with something equally smallish.
Annie’s son Geordie has now gone to a smashing home and we are hoping that Annie will soon find happiness now. At about six years old (or as our vet called her, “six ans hors tax” !) Annie has been sterilised and is fully vaccinated. She will make a great companion for any household WITHOUT A CAT !!
Three year old Archie was left with us last winter by people who promised to pay for his keep and come back for him in April. Yeah, right. Archie has been abandoned so is now up for adoption. A Belgian Sheherd X (we think !) Archie is full of energy and fine with female dogs.
OK all you Jack Russell fans, here is the nearest thing to a JR that we have had for a very long time. Flora has all the JR characteristics including the ability to bounce up and down on her back legs like a rubber ball. She is crossed, we think, with a Pinscher, so is a very small young lady of about a year old.
Matthew. This is Matthew. Matthew is not a dog. Matthew is a cat. Matthew is a cat with a bucket full of love to give, in fact so much that he is driving me mad !! The other fifteen plus cats here at Poorpaws all get on quietly with their own lives. They have cosy places to sleep and plenty to eat. They are all neutered and generally seem happy with life. Then there is Matthew ! Matthew want to be with me ALL THE TIME ! He wants to be on my lap when I’m eating, he wants to be on my shoulder any time I am sitting down, he head butts me for a cuddle when I’m on the computer and he cries outside the bedroom door at night. I’m afraid I don’t have that much time to give to him what with work and the dogs. So PLEASE will someone with the time and inclination for full time cuddling (or an elderly relative in residence who likes cats) adopt him from me ?
One female, four male – look at the darling brown one, quite unusual ! These pups will be ready to go, chipped, vaccinated and wormed, from 14th May. Both parents are known and are excellent working farm dogs. So, as I always say, Border Collies are dogs who need to have mental stimulation as well lots of good loving care so sign up for your nearest agility class !! More than happy to sleep outside and great playmates for children.
You won’t be able to tell from these photos, but Fausto is one of the soppiest, most affectiionate, loveable dogs ever. On the slightly larger than medium side, Fausto is just one year old (so won’t be growing any more) and is just one adorable og. Gets on fine with other dogs and would love a home where there are children to play with.
This is little Toto (who ”aint in Kansas anymore’ !) She is an absolute delight, just under three years old, very loving and just adores being with children. Due to tragic circumstances Toto is going to be with out a home from 12th April and azlthough she can come to Poorpaws, it really would be less traumatic for her to go straight to a new home. Knee high to a butterfly Toto has love the size of an elephant to give.
Geordie has grown some since the photos were taken of him with his mum ! A real little character, Geordie just loves to play and is getting bored here at Poorpaws where we only have adults at the moment so poor Geordie keeps getting put smartly in his place ! He is now nearly four months old and is chipped and vaccinated.
Leo the boxer – well nearly all boxer ! – is eight months old and a very sociable fellow. Found as a puppy his owner find now that he needs a bit more fun and frolics than she can give him so would like him to go to a home where long regular walks are the order of the day. We think he looks just great !
Don’t like cats ? Don’t want cats in your garden digging up and peeing on your plants ? Then Carrie is for you !! An adorable, loving, affectionate, obedient lady who gets on well with other dogs, Carrie DOES NOT LIKE CATS !!! She will wiggle to you on her tummy, she will roll over in front of you for a tummy rub, she will come when called but SHE WILL NOT PUT UP WITH CATS !! Sterilised and vaccinated.
Owners find they cannot give up Toby so he stays at the bar. Lucky boy – the aperos are on you Toby !
Young Toby – about a year old, was rescued from the refuge at Cahors and taken to a lovely home in the Dordogne to live with a couple who own a bar (lucky sod !) However, Toby needs more room than he has there and more of an outdoor life so the couple are, very regretfully, looking for a new home for him. A lovely little boy who they say is great in every way, loving and affectionate, but more suited to a more active life and a fenced in garden. Toby is chipped, vaccinated and neutered.
These two lovelies are sisters, although you wouldn’t know it ! They are a mix of German Shepherd and Malinois, a cross often seen round here. They are two years old and are chipped, sterilised and vaccinated. Sociable with other dogs and fine with cats and children. At the moment they are in foster care at Cassagnes and I will happily put you in touch with the foster ‘Mum’ .
Here is just one lovely lump of cuddle ! At eight months Sultan is a cross betseen and Border Collie and a Pyreneen Mountain dog, so he will be a big boy. His owner already has other dogs and due to ill health (his, not Sultan’s) is looking for a home with lots of space for Sultan. Sultan will be vaccinated and neutered.
Meet George and Gerry who are just dying to meet you !! Mum is a medium size mongrel rescued from Greece and Dad is unknown but he must have been very handsome – and hairy !!! Very friendly and soooooo cuddly ! Will be vaccinated and chipped before leaving Poorpaws.
SukieThis is Sukie. Sukie is a lovely black Lab of about ten years old who was unceremoniously dumped at Poorpaws about six months ago by a guy I can hardly find words horrible enough to describe.. She was in a very poor state with hardly any fur on her back, flea ridden and hungry. As you can see from the photo things have changed for Sukie, she is now in fine fettle and we are hoping (vainly ?) that we can find her a kind home. She loves people and affection but does not like cats at all and can be iffy with other dogs. A nice comfy bed, regular meals and a daily walk is all she asks. Any hope for Sukie ?
This is Beaky a little Tibetan Spaniel. a lovely friendly little chap who was found on the street. Very strangely all attempts to find his owner have failed so he is now up for adoption.
Just look at this gentle giant. Two year old Saxo was unhappy in the refuge at Cahors where he wasn’t standing up for himself and was getting picked on so it was decided he would be happier here at Poorpaws. He is ! A Brittany Spaniel / Pyreneen Mountain Dog (I think !), Saxo is gorgeous. A large fenced in garden would be best with regular long walks. He is very affectionate, fine with other dogs and not bad with cats. He is chipped, vaccinated and castrated.
Annie and her pups were in the SPA and in great danger when we got the call. Regulars to the site will know that Brittany Spaniels are my favourite so obviously we had to get her out of there. Sadly only one pup survived, Annie being a great protectrice of her pups but lacking in maternal instinct ! I would take little Geordie out of the kennel at night to stop him being suffocated too. Now he is one month old and can stand up for himself very well. We think Annie is about 5 years old, a very faithful, loving dog, she adores long walks and doesn’t run off. A bit lively with cats. We have no idea who Geordie’s dad is, but he has certainly sired a beauty ! Both will be looking for new homes around March.
Little Titi (sorry, not my choice of name !) is a lovely 3 year old Yorkshire Terrier (ok, he’s having a bad hair day!). Chipped, chopped, toilet trained and vaccinated Titi is up for adoption as his owner is very ill and cannot cope with him because he is a “terrorist and hates cats” !! Oh yeah ? Well we have seen nothing of that. Very timid when he first arrived, within an hour he was following me around like a shadow. He has been left alone in the bedroom for a couple of hours and I came back expecting to find the room in ruins. Not a bit of it, he was sleeping peacefully in his bed – well, to be truthful, on our bed, but not a sign of any damage. As for the cats, well there are many here and most are bigger than Titi so he soon gave up the idea of running after them and even when he tried he stopped immediately when I called him. He is very obedient and is great in the car.
Moss is a beautiful short haired border collie just under five years old. Housetrained, chipped, vaccinated and neutered. Poor Moss had a long unhappy time at the SPA in Carcassonne until a short time ago when a lovely English couple adopted him. Very sadly ill health has forced the couple to ask for another home to be found for him as they cannot now give him the life he deserves. Moss is obedient, does not stray, is fine with other dogs but sadly not good with cats. It would be a tragedy if this beauty found himself again behind bars (and I would fear for the health of the voluntary help at the SPA who did so much to get Moss out of there!). Let’s get Moss to a new home asap. He is at the moment at Montaigu de Quercy in the Tarn and Garonne and his present owners would be only too glad to hear from you, just call me for their number.
She is a small frame black and white Cocker (pedigree), 7 years old – we bought her in France (Le Boulou, Languedoc Roussillon in 2003 and she has a tattoo – French -no.2EDV254 she was micro chipped in Spain (as we lived there in 2003) Microchip no. 724098100713370 (Virbac back Home).
She was lost in the Betracq area which is 64350 (Pyrenees Atlantiques) just on the border with depts. 65 (Hautes Pyrenees) and 32(Gers).
Below you will find details of the dogs we have for adoption. These are mainly with Danielle at La Mere aux Betes in Castelnau Montratier, but contact me for more details. Adoption fee is 180 euros, dogs will be chipped, vaccinated, wormed and had flea treatment before adoption and if the dog is not sterilised we can get this done for you at a more reasonable price.
If you do not see a dog who appeals to you, get in touch anyway as we have new dogs coming in regularly and they may not yet be on the website, 45% of residents in the UK are pet owners , it is your turn to be part of that percentage. I can also direct you to other associations who may have just what you want.
UPDATE: Please note that a very generous Poorpaws supporter has offered to take financial responsibilty for Mia and Xena should there be anyone able to give them a happy home.
Due to very sad circumstances Xena and Mia find themselves desperately looking for a new home or homes as their owner can no longer care for them. I hasten to add that this is not a situation where English are going home leaving unpassported dogs. Their owner is French and is someone who has done an enormous amount for abandoned dogs herself and for whom I have great respect. Life has dealt her a really shitty backhander and the worry about her dogs is exacerbating the situation.
Xena is a shepherdX/Griffon, three years old, chipped, vaccinated and sterilised. A gentle , submissive dog who gets on with everyone Xena is obedient and loves to be close to people.
Mia, possibly a Beaceron of about 5 years has known bad treatment in her past but hold no grudges. A shy lady she reacts well to kindness and gentility. Totally without any aggression Mia is fine with cats and dogs.
Obviously the ideal would be for the girls to stay together but can be separated if necessary. If you can help in any way you can contact the owner on 0565647441 if you speak French, if not contact us. I would really like to help here.
Welcome to the new PoorPaws website, we hope you like it. Sue’s monthly update now has its own section under the PoorPaws News tab at the top of the page.
Danielle's GirlsThese lovely six month old girls were chased from village to village before luckily ending up being taken to my friend Danielle who is an voluntary SPA cruelty inspector. Danielle investigates cruelty cases, does kenneling, education and rehoming. Dogs homed by her usually know their P’s and Q’s !! These pups have proved very receptive to loving care and education and are ready to go to new homes. If you speak French you can call Danielle on 0565219450 ,or, if not, call me.
Babouchka is a Mangrove Shepherd, (whatever that is !). At four years old she is a darling and missing very much her pal Cabouche who was homed last week. They had been together for ever and we are just so hoping that Babouchka will find the same happiness.”
Note. Babouchka is now at Poorpaws after getting seriously depressed after she was separated from Cabouche. She has perked up and play happily with the other dogs. She is a real darling, very affectionate and ADORES travelling in the car where she will happily sit and sleep for hours.
These little bundles of fun are Fuller (because we had never seen a fuller tum after a couple of days here !) and Fulham (no reason, just running out of ‘F’ names !!). They are now just three months old and are doing very well after there sad start in life of being dumped in a cardboard box. They are full of beans and will be of average size – as far as we can tell !!
Buzz is a gorgeous chap, 4 years old, chipped and vaccinated, fine with other dogs, Buzz’s only problem I that he is black and, sadly, black dogs are more difficult to home. A lovely friendly sociable boy, doesn’t he deserve a chance ?
Berger is in Carcassonne – Delivery can be arranged
Wow, just look at this beauty !!! A Merle-Sheepdog languishing hopefully at Carcassonne SPA. At five years old, he is friendly with other dogs, calm and good on the lead. Lets get him outta there !