Temperature ‘down’ to 30 today, thank goodness ! I’m not going to complain about the heat because there are poor souls in other areas of France who are suffering terrible storms and being flooded out of their homes.
Talking of storms, several of our dogs are scared of them, but Isabella is PETRIFIED and is convinced that the only place she will be safe is either sitting on top of me or squeezed underneath me. Night storms are not pleasant because she insists on being ON my pillow and pants and dribbles for the duration. I usually end up with my feet on the pillow and head at the bottom of the bed – and she has the cheek to moan about my feet !!!

” I ain’t scared of no storm …….”
The gorgeous dog of a friend of ours was run over last week and seriously injured resulting in the possible amputation of a leg. Now, accidents happen, the dog got out, ran down to the (quiet) main road and was hit. I don’t blame the driver for hitting Eric (yes, the dog’s name is Eric, don’t ask …) but I do, oh how I so do, blame the bastard, for leaving Eric, clearly badly injured and in great pain, lying in the road. The least he could have done was to ring our friend – telephone number was on the collar . Luckily Eric has a GPS tracker on his collar so when he didn’t come back after a few minutes the friend was able to find him and get him fairly quickly. I believe in karma, so whoever the driver was will get his eventually.
Sad to say incredibly increased dog abandons and lack of adoptions have created a crisis situation and it is so bad that some refuges are now having to euthanise dogs who have been waiting too long for happy homes. This is totally heartbreaking and no fault of the poor dogs . We are finding that the main reasons for dogs being abandoned (and I mean abandon in the true sense of the word, not being left by the road) are couples splitting up (why do couples not realise that babies and puppies do NOT save relationships which are on the rocks?) and finding that the only accommodation they can find for two homes are apartments where dogs are not welcome ( and in any way would be unhappy), and elderly people having to go into homes but not having families who are willing to take on the beloved dogs. (This is why we will not let puppies go to people over 70 UNLESS there are family members ready to provide a home for the dog/dogs should the need arise.)
Small dogs can find new homes quite easily but it is the larger dogs who have more of a problem. I would just say here that I do not believe that very small dogs are suitable for elderly people because they are so easy to trip over. Better a medium size one.
I would also say “yah boo sucks” to all the refuges who quite happily take in small dogs – and think they deserve halos for doing so – but are not ready to help a couple who are facing expulsion from their home resulting in their two Malinois dogs facing a very dodgy future. Danielle is receiving calls almost daily, to take in larger dogs from people who have been referred to her from other officially financially assisted refuges who, despite having salaried staff “cannot cope”. Danielle works alone and receives no official funding, yet manages to find solutions 99% of the time.
I could go on, but won’t, the whole situation depresses me.
Now I am trying desperately to find a happier note to end on …… nope, no can do but I will add something if anything comes to mind.
Sue x
PS In case you don’t already know and need to, dogs are not permitted at the Sunday morning market in Montcuq. This has caused a bit of controversy but I am totally in favour. I hate to see poor dogs being dragged around in the heat amongst hundreds of people, then their owners sitting having a cool drink whilst their dogs are gasping. Apparently the ban has resulted from dog poop on the streets and a small child being nipped. So, leave your dogs at home in the cool. I agree it can cause a problem if you are on holiday and arrive at the market with your four legged friend only to find you can go no further. If you have to leave the dog in the car MAKE SURE windows are open, it is in the shade and remember the sun turns !