“I’m not supposed to be on here ……”

“……..or here …!”
No, our dogs are ABSOLUTELY NOT allowed on sofas , but allowances can be made when you’ve just had an operation and/or teddy comfort is necessary ! This is our Utah who has enough energy to power Europe and which I am hoping to channel into agility classes if the guy ever responds to my ‘phone calls !!
I was very touched that my reader noticed that my monthly update had not appeared and got in touch to ask if I was going to do one this month. Yes, but it had completely slipped my mind with so much going on. Non stop tennis to watch since Roland Garros, followed by Nottingham, followed by Queens, then Eastbourne and now, of course, the big one, Wimbledon. I just adore this time of year and expect to sink into ‘depression’ when it is all over for another year.
On the dog front sadly, not many adoptions to record, but oh, so many people looking to rehome their dogs. One of the main reasons seems to be as a result of couples separating leaving neither one of the couples able to take the family dog with them.This is heartbreaking. Small dogs are easy to home but Danielle has so many larger dogs who are just desperate. Luigi for example (though he doesn’t come from a broken home), his situation is very scary at the moment. So, all you young retirees who are looking for a companion and a reason to get up and out walking, go for a medium to larger dog. There is method in this, a little dog is so easy to trip over when you are older !
Books ! I am hot on the hunt for good condition books for the next sale so after you have finished your Summer reading – if Summer ever arrives – please put them to one side to be resold. A little dabof sun lotion or ice cream is quite acceptable !!! I read a lot and when I have finished a book I write down the title and author and mark it out of ten. (Mind you, a week after reading a book I would be incapable of telling you what it was about even if I had really enjoyed it !) Two which reached the dizzy heights of a ten recently are, ‘Go As A River’ by Shelley Read and ‘Rules of Civility’ by Amor Towles – he who wrote ‘A Gentleman in Moscow’ which has to be one of my favourtie books ever. Don’t get me started on the film, totally the wrong choice of main actor !!!
Have a good month, enjoy the tennis and the sunshine if/when it arrives.
Sue x