Eek, why oh why did I agree to do ‘Dry January’ ?! I would not consider myself a heavy drinker, a glass of wine or two with supper, then usually I fall asleep before even finishing the second. Get the Prosecco out and I may make more of an effort ! However, I must admit to an excess of alcohol over the Festive Season, partly because Ernst and I were up in the mountains at La Clusaz staying with his sister and her husband and family and boy can they put it away !!
I was also drinking for other reasons, to deaden the pain and try not to be the spectre at the feast. You see my beloved Olivia, the love of my life, died unexpectedly the week before Christmas. She was not ill and was not even six years old, but I got up on the Friday morning to find her dead in the garden.

I know many of you will know the pain of losing a much loved dog so I don’t need to describe the absolute agony. She was a bit of a runaway rascal and I just thank St. Cadbury that whatever happened, happened here in the garden and not when she was on one of her hikes.
I must also mention Dotti, who was adopted by Sheila and Bob when she (Dotti) was eleven months old. She died in October aged a good, very good, 16 years old !!!! I know Sheila and Bob are suffering and I can only thank them from the bottom of my heart for giving Dotti the happiest of happy lives.

A good friend sent me a quotation when she heard about Olivia, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened” …..which immediately set me off again but it is a lovely sentiment.
Right, tissues away. I hope you all had a happier Christmas and fingers crossed that 2024 will be a great year.
What would make a great year for Danielle (La Mere aux Betes) would be if some (all !) of the dogs she has there could be adopted. She has some beautiful ones there at the refuge in Castelnau and if I was younger, she would have a lot less. The little dogs go like hot cakes, but the medium size and large dogs take longer. Personally I prefer medium to large, they are more difficult to trip over ! Let’s hope that my February waffle starts with adoption successes !
Can I here make a plea for everyone to put their telephone numbers on to the collars of your dogs in indelible marking pen ? It really would make life easier for those charged with taking care of lost dogs. There was a case before Christmas when two dogs went missing, were found, then escaped again, then were missing for several days. A lot of people put in a lot of work to get them back home and it all could have been settled very quickly had there been a number on the collar. Don’t bother with the medalion things, they come off as I well know. Number on the collar is the only sure way of getting your dog back. Not everyone will take a dog to the vet to see if he/she is chipped, but if there is a telephone number, easy peasy !
Right, 6pm (nearly) time for a little apero ….. oh nooooooo !!!
Sue x