Muppet is 4yrs old, vaccinated, chipped and sterilised and has all her papers. This is a very affectionate and lovely dog and she needs a home urgently!
Muppet needs a fenced garden above all else as she is at present with a lovely lady who adores her but because her land backs onto a river and is unable to be fenced, Muppet runs off to visit neighbouring farms, crossing roads on the way. She does no harm except to round up a few cows as is in her nature as a Beauceron, but it’s worrying and not really acceptable. However Muppet would be very happy to remain in an enclosed garden with frequent walks and lots of love and attention and we would like to stress that she is actually a VERY obedient dog in all respects! She is fine off the lead if you are with her and will come to call or whistle no trouble

– she only goes off on her own if she’s bored and left to her own devices. She loves other dogs and older children who can play ball with her (not little ones so much as they scare her with loud noises etc) and she’s not bad with cats as she was brought up with them as a puppy. We know Muppet’s history from being a rescue puppy so can track back through her four years for those who would like to know all about her. She’s a delight we’re told and but for the problem with not being able to contain her whilst her present owner is otherwise occupied working in her office at home – Muppet would not be needing a new home as she’s adorable. So, please contact us if you would like to go and meet Muppet and we will put you in touch with the lady who has her and can tell you all about her or please call us on 05 65 69 12 26 or email on :- doglinks.fr@gmail.com for all the background on this wonderful dog who will be a delight for some lucky person.