To all of you those under the impression that we here in the Lot live in the ‘Sunny South West’, I have news for you, we could rename our area the Soaking South West – WHEN is it going to stop raining ?!!
Right, close to Lauzerte there is a village called Montagudet and I was contacted a couple of weeks ago by a couple who had happened on a house where the shutters were locked and bolted all except for one (thank goodness) which was broken. On hearing a lot of barking from inside the couple approached and to their horror saw three dogs inside standing in water and poo whilst, from the noise it was obvious that there were many other dogs in other rooms. Rebecca and Oliver contacted the gendarmes who more or less shrugged their shoulders and the Mairie, “it is only dogs” !!!! I am already boiling at this stage. They also contacted the wonderful Brigitte from Montaigu de Quercy, who is an inspector for the Brigitte Bardot Foundation, and Lynne Stone who runs chat du Quercy. Now Lynne has guts and determination in spades and she contacted the gendarmes to insist that they investigate the property. To cut a long story short Rebecca and Oliver received visits from both Brigitte and the gendarmes who admitted that this was indeed a serious case. The Mayor of the village, an uncaring, slobby, low-life git – “I did not become Mayor to take care of dogs” was dragged kicking and screaming into the case. It turned out that the owner of the property was a simple guy who lived in his car and who was delighted that help was on hand. Within 48 hours the 17 dogs were out of that hell hole and on their way to the SPA at Golfech where they await adoption. To my horror it was discovered that the Mayor knew of the situation but sat on his fat lazy backside and did nothing.
So, huge thanks to Rebecca and Oliver, Lynne Stone (Chats du Quercy, if you are looking to adopt a cat or kitten get in touch, Lynne does a great job), Brigitte and, finally, the gendarmes.
Now to a happier tale, I am going to tell you the story of Jasper and Jenkins’ Very Big Adventure !! Regulars to the site will already know of Jasper and Jenkins, two adorable puppies who were on the Poorpaws website back in October/November. A private refuge in Holland, run by wonderful Lisa, offered to take and home them as they are hunting dogs and could be difficult to home here. Many collection dates had to be cancelled/postponed for various very valid reasons and in the meantime Jasper and Jenkins were getting Bigger and Bigger ! Then a couple of weeks ago I received a telephone call from lovely Sunny, a Dutch lady who volunteers at the refuge in Cahors. She told me she was going to Holland the following week and would take J and J. I was thrilled – if not a little sad I had grown so fond of these boys. Sunny said she had never done it before and I reassured her that the worst that could happen would be that they pee or throw up in the cage. “Oh no” said Sunny “I am flying”. FLYING ??!! So Monday 16th February found me at Bergerac Airport with the dogs in a large air transport cage. I said I would wait at the coffee shop until the flight had actually taken off just in case there were any hitches. There were none. I sat by the window and saw Sunny walk by to get on the ‘plane, casting an eye over her shoulder all the while at the baggage transporter behind. Then I saw the trailer go by with all the cases and, at the end, the cage with my babies in. I cried ! What were they thinking ? Did they think I had betrayed them ? Six months with me having a great time playing and being loved then being crated onto a ‘plane . Well, when the flight took off, I fell apart. I am not a good ‘cryer’, I know some people can do it and still look good but I can’t. I sob, my eyes swell up and I go bright red looking ghastly, ugly and pathetic. Even knowing that didn’t stop me, I cried my heart out so much so that the couple on the next table were looking and probably thought I had just said goodbye to, or been dumped by, a lover !! Nah, wouldn’t cry so much over a bloke !
Anyway, before I had even got home I had received texts from Holland saying they had arrived safely and Sunny emailed me to say that the Captain of the flight even showed her where the dogs were in the hold, in a cosy section seperate from where the cases were. Latest news is that Jasper has already been adopted. THANK YOU Lisa ! Now I’m going to try to get some photos onto this newsletter but just bear with me !
Hmm, well the photos have all gone to the top of the page !
Other news ? Adoptions have been great, all the pups have gone, wonderful news is that Jumper has also finally been homed and I’m still hoping that the wonderful Black Jasper gets his forever home soon too, he really is a lovely gentle giant.
Just time to remind you that our Easter Barn Book Sale is on 4th April ( Easter Saturday) at the Hamlet of Beliben next to sauzet in t he Lot, just follow the signs when you get to Beliben. If you have books or dvd’s (sorry not videos) to donate, get in touch with me.
Sue x