Today, being all Saints Day, or as they say here in France ‘the day of the dead’, I thought I would slip in a little ‘In Memorium’. Over the last couple of months I have had emails from adopters from way back when Poorpaws started, advising me that their adoptees have died. These four dogs were all adopted at about the same time and all left very closely too. I won’t say they went to ‘Doggy Heaven’ because I know that they all lived in doggy heaven on earth, so I hope they had a great reunion wherever and are telling stories of their happy lives and travels.

Riley, oh Riley, what a shock we all got when you arrived, having been told you were a lovely little dog. Lovely yes, certainly, but ‘little’ ???????? I thought I would be taking you back home but Brenda and husband, gasped and, after getting over the surprise took you anyway. Brenda tells me they never regretted it for a minute and they had thirteen happy years together. Now I understand the meaning of ‘life of Riley’, he certainly had it !

Olga, you gorgeous girl. A very special lady you were, being a daughter of our own dear Tega who, after outliving two owners, died back here last year. Olga had more luck than Mum, she had only one home and a very special, happy, long life as an ‘only child’ with Silke and Adam.

Here is trickster Oscar whose adoption still makes us chuckle. When Oscar was a pup, see above, I thought he looked a bit like a Rottweiler, so, having friends and neighbours who were Rottie fans and were ‘sans’ dog at the time, I asked them to come and look at him to see if they would confirm my thoughts. They came, they saw, and Oscar conquered ! Nah, as you can see from the above photo, he wasn’t a Rottie but they adopted him anyway. What a handsome boy he turned out to be ! He lived just over the road from us for many years and I would often find him at our gate as if asking “anyone coming out to play ?” Then having lived here in the south of France, his owners, Wynn and Paul moved up to bonnie Scotland where he ended his days.

Finally, here is Houston (with brother Hector in the background). These two gorgeous boys were adopted by friends, Olivia and Laurent, down on the Cote d’Azur. They had seen the boys on the adoptions page and couldn’t decided which one to take, so took both (as you do). They went to an animal loving (mad !) home where they had a fabulous life amongst children,cats and other dogs. Hector died a couple of years ago and Houston followed a month ago, so a big gap now in the family. They still have Holly another Poorpaws lady, who is now twelve and I am sure she will be joined shortly by a new pal to help her get over the loss of her ‘brothers’.
Thank you a million times to the owners of the above and, indeed, to all of you who have welcomed a previously unhappy dog into your loving homes.
If you haven’t already done so but are thinking about adopting a rescue dog, take a peek at the adoptions page of this website to see the gorgeous beasts who are so in need of happy secure loving homes. Also, if you are on Facebook, keep checking in to Danielle’s page ‘La Mere aux Betes’ for up to date news.
I am now on serious countdown to the book sale this Saturday. Books are sorted and stacked and I am delighted that we have so very many good books, many authors I had never heard of but am discovering, along with some old favourites you may be rediscovering and enjoying. Salle des Fetes, St. Pantaleon, 09.30 to 15.30.
From time to time, I receive telephone calls from people looking for help or advice on dog situations. I am more than happy to help if I can and if I can’t I pass them on to Danielle. Danielle is much more knowledgeable than I am, with years more experience. When I get such calls, obviously I note down telephone numbers with names and/or something to remind me what the call is about. However, the other day, I came across a number in my book with no name and no clue as to what the call was about. I was huffing and puffing, so cross with myself and Ernst asked what was the problem. I explained, he leant across the table, looked at the number, then looked at me ……. “it is your number” he said !!!!! Hey ho !
Hopefully you will brave the weather on Saturday !
Sue x
PS If you are wondering why I didn’t recognise my own number, it is because (I think like many people in my age group) I don’t use the mobile much so can only remember the number if I am actually dialling it. So if someone asks, I have to mime dialling on the keyboard. I am sure I am not alone ……… am I ?!